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feed me to the wolves
Sep 30, 2008
What Side of the Shit-Hit Fan are You On?
You need to look at your situation and see what side of the fan you are on and whether or not you can dive for cover or at least cover up with a garbage bag before you get plastered.
Here in the SouthEast United States (North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia and Tennessee) not only are we getting nailed with the freeze of credit and the tanking economy, but we have no gas. We are literally coming to a stand still.
The latest word is that we now will not see gas until mid October, about 3 weeks away.
Imagine what you would do if you could not fill up your car(s) for 3 weeks.
Could you get to work?
Could you get to the store?
Could your kids get to school?
Could you get to the hospital?
What would you do with your garbage?
What would you do without mail?
What would you do if you called 911 and no one came?
These are all real questions that we are facing down here after just a couple weeks without or with very limited supplies of gas.
We've got 3 more weeks to go!
With that in mind, if you live in a bordering state to the southeast, you better be ready for this too. Florida, Virginia, Kentucky, Alabama all of your local petroleum companies are going to look at the lack of supply here, see the demand and the opportunity to make more money and they are going to ship some of that gas here, taking away gas from your own state and simultaneously raising the price of gas nationwide.
The shit is hitting the fan in more ways than one right now. The economy isn't in a tail spin, it was blown out of the sky. Are you prepared for what's coming next?
No goods on the shelves at Christmas? (40% of retailers have lost their credit and can't buy goods to sell)
Lack of Fuel
Reduction of your Credit Card Limit (This is coming next folks. If you rely on your credit cards, your limit is going to get chopped very soon.)
401k plan that has been cut in half (you might have relied on this for emergency withdawals in a bad economy or if you get laid off, but these are dropping in value and if people pull their money out, that's just going to make the market worse)
Losing Your Job (Your company may be outside of finance and mortgages, but I've got news for you, your company probably relies on credit or relies on customers that have credit and might also rely on things like gas. Are you prepared to join the ranks of the unemployed?)
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WordCamp Birmingham Coverage on Local CBS Statio
Sep 29, 2008…87449.html
Note to self, go by more Pomade before you give a frizzy interview. ;)
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Sep 28, 2008
Alien auto topsy
Filling Up Before Gasless Land Trip
Can We Get Some Coffee Here?
Final Meetup at BottleTree
I'll be hitting the road in about 30 minutes as I head back to Charlotte, NC and start my search for gas along the way.
Hope you are all having a great weekend yourselves and I'll talk with you soon.
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Jumbo Pork at Dreamland
When will this table be clickable?
Going to Look At This Guy's Butt this Morning
'This guy's butt' is actually a massive iron statue that was shown at the St Louis World Fair in 1904 symbolizing the Roman god Vulcan.
We're having our WordCamp meetup in the park this morning with presentations on making WordPress dance, and my own on using WindowsLiveWriter to power and manage many different blogs and blogging platform.
Well, have to get checked out and on the road. I'll check in with you soon.
For those of you interested in LiveWriter (free download btw) I'm gathering together some of my training materials at my site…ng-skills/ . I will be publishing video from the presentation sometime soon as well.
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I'm a Veteran that loves war protests
Sep 27, 2008
Afternoon Sessions getting ready to go
Listening to Dougal Campbell Cover WP History
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Birmingham Wordcamp view Caldwell Park
For those of you that follow me on Utterz, you may have listened to some of my experiences as I was driving today from Charlotte North Carolina, down Interstate 85 through South Carolina, and then through Northeast Georgia heading to Atlanta, and then west on Interstate 20 to Birmingham Alabama. I was driving to Birmingham for a conference called Birmingham Wordcamt (for the life of me I can't get Dragon NaturallySpeaking to let me spell that word correctly by saying the letters, especially the letter P. but it does let me say right now :-))
Basically this is a conference to help people come together, network a little bit, and learned a great deal about WordPress. WordPress is a very useful content management system, and some people use it for blogging. Maybe I should phrase it differently, WordPress is a great blogging software program that some people use for content management. I personally happen to fall into both camps. I use WordPress to run most of my blogging websites, with the exception of a few legacy websites that work on Google's blogger system. I also use WordPress as the primary engine behind my web design services these days.
I have learned to mix this content management system that resides on my SQL, a terrific and free database system that can be deployed on the Internet or through web hosting packages. WordPress is designed to get results and communicate messages to people that read the content on a WordPress site. That is typically what companies want to do with their corporate website, but when they hire out webdesigners to create flashy web pages that show a few graphics, that is more advertising and much less conversation.
So in this regard, I’ve stumbled upon a great new niche in corporate/business web design using content management systems and blogging/seo techniques.
Well, anyway, its late and I need to get some sleep for events tomorrow at the WordCamp conference.
Cheap Hotel Soda
Sep 26, 2008
Found Gas at Love's
Found 3 gallons gas in Sc
Defacto Gas Rations in effect Charlotte, NC
Sep 25, 2008
For the very few gas stations that have gas, they are selling people $20 in gas at a time, or a little less than 5 gallons at about $4.19.
I'm supposed to drive from NC to Alabama tomorrow, no idea what it looks like in SC, GA or AL but heard last week that TN was out of gas already!
My Fellow Americans, We are screwed! :)
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Please Have Sympathy for this Old Devil on his Birthday!
Speaking at Birmingham WordCamp - WindowsLiveWriter with WordPress
Sep 21, 2008
I wanted to mention again that this weekend, I will be speaking at the Birmingham WordCamp hosted by Andre Natta of The Terminal.
WindowsLiveWriter - Blogging with any Blogging Software Has Never Been Easier
I will be covering how to use WindowsLiveWriter to manage multiple blogs and how to use it with WordPress (among other blogging tools). :)
Whether you write for 1 blog or 10, Whether you use WordPress, Blogger, Moveable Type or Type pad or many others, Windows LIve Writer can speed up your work, polish your presentation and much more.
Morning wifi Hunting in Houston
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Great polish sausage
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