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Need to Get Back to My Night Schedule
Mar 7, 2007
For about the last week and a half, I have been working days. Now, I am a night owl.
I work better at night. I can typically get twice as much done at night and I can work more quickly and efficiently. Unfortunately I've been working days the last week and this means that my days are limited to simple 14 to 16 hour days. When I work nights I can work 20 hour day.
So my days of been shorter and less productive. I'm working on turning that around right now. Each damn sleeping a little bit longer, and staying up a little bit later. Soon I'll be back to my normal schedule, and working from noon until three or four in the morning. He for the transition happened quickly because I have a ton of work to do. I need that extra time and that extra energy. On a positive note I've been jogging more lately so I am getting more exercise. That's definitely help being my outlook be more positive these days.